Resources & Updates

An unexpected Answer

A new update just to let you know what we found out about Joshua’s hip problem. Rehabilitation didn’t want to deal with it since they didn’t order the MRI so they referred it back to our oncologist who then sent the scans over to the radiologist. They decided that they have to go by the pain he’s having rather than just the scan to tell them that it is probably the cancer lesion that has been there on his hip from the beginning that is causing the pain. So, radiation of the spot is probably the best and only choice to deal with the pain. We had the consultation today and he will have his first treatment tomorrow. Please pray that this radiation goes as well as the first session on his spine. He had very few complications and it seemed to take care of the present cancer and much of the pain. He’s looking forward to pain relief in a big way.

He’ll have 14 treatments, taking it a little slower to cut down the chances of collateral damage in the area. They are very concerned that he doesn’t fracture that hip (he’d have to have a pin put in to repair it because of the location). And he’d be laid up for several weeks…not a good situation. So he is on a very limited activity restriction…only walking. We laughed when he said no running or weight lifting, as if he could even if he wanted to with the level of pain. The downside to all of this is that he won’t be able to finish out his semester of teaching in Chicago. He goes for radiation every day for almost three weeks. That was a real disappointment to say the least. But at least he was able to complete half of the semester. There’s a chance he’ll be able to make it to the last class, but that’s slim. It was a real gift to have that opportunity while it lasted.

So, he’s on hydrocortisone now that is slowly waking up his adrenal glands so he can stay awake for more than 15minutes a day and he will slowly wean off that most likely. And we’re working on the existing pain, so we’re making progress. Without his class, and having a little more energy, maybe he’ll  finally be able to read more or write since he will be spending a good amount of time in bed. Pray for this next portion of his healing experience, that God will make it fruitful for him. And maybe even a short time of being beside still waters, (with no new dilemma popping up on the scene). He’s such a good example of accepting what God puts in front of him for His  purpose in his life. I’d just love to see him find a little equilibrium for awhile so he can plan for some times of real enjoyment…maybe even attending a sporting event or something he hasn’t been able to even consider since his diagnosis. We’re scheduled to go to the No. Shore at the end of May which would fit that bill, so please pray that he will still be able to make that with the radiation and its after effects.

Jered, if you read these updates thank you, thank you, thank you, for your love and generosity. How much that meant to Joshua. We love and miss all of your family.

And there are many other thank you’s we just can’t answer personally because of time constraints, but we hope you do know that no thought, gift, card, gesture, help, or prayer goes unnoticed or unappreciated.

With love to you all,
Kristi and Joshua

PS.  I hope you get a chance to see the videos and pictures of all the men (and 4yr. olds) standing with Joshua as part of “Team Joshua”…the pre-requisite having a shaved head like his.  He loves it and what a morale booster.  Thanks guys!

Belated Update...Appointments galore/New hurdles
Go Team Josh!


  1. Hi Joshua and Kristi. I just wanted to leave you a note of encouragement. Joshua, we have missed you in class! We’re getting by, but it just isn’t the same without you (small potatoes and pops are hopelessly mixed together and there are no thought provoking notes on the board!) and we all wish you were closer so we could just come to you 🙂

    I’m praying for healing, for peaceful rest, for effective treatments and for uplifted spirits. My small group at church is praying for you both as well. God’s plan is a great one, even during these rough spots; trust in that. Rest well this week and be blessed. A big Go Team Josh from Columbia and your workshop class!

  2. I work in the home medical equipment and services industry. When you said Josh ordered the cane on line it made me think you may not be taking full advantage of Josh’s VA benefits. If Josh needs additional medical equipment or services I encourage you to see if there is insurance coverage available. Do you know if a case manager with insurance is involved with his case? This can be of help. If I can ever be of assistance for advise in this area please feel free to call me at 1-800-482-1993 x 6561.
    Cheryl Weaver
    Asst. VP HOMELINK Customer Service

    • Cheryl,
      Thanks so much for your concern and interest in the situation of Joshua’s cane. Yes, he is eligible for a cane from the VA but they are pretty rudimentary as you can imagine for necessity sake, I’m sure. Since there’s a ‘little’ difficulty emotionally (he’s never voiced it, but I can tell), having to use a cane, I didn’t say anything when he went on line to look for one. The one he got has a couple of functions actually and it has a leather like grip which he liked a lot for safety sake. So much has been taken away from him with this illness, including much of his physical youth, and there is so little he can actually do, that I thought buying something that has some interesting features to it might bring a little enjoyment into his life right now. (he does have his Dad’s love of gadgets…like most men, I’m sure). But we can check with our insurance to see if it has to be purchased from a medical source in order to be covered. So thanks for the suggestion. We do have a caseworker for both insurances as well. I really appreciate your taking the time to check in with us, however. Thanks so much.

      • Sorry Joseph,
        I forgot that the sight was set up by you? Is that why your name appears on the reply? I’ll let Cheryl know it was from me. I should put my name on everything or figure out out to get mine on there. Just another computer skill I have yet to learn. And not sure how this one is going to come up…probably the same. Never ending!!

        But while we’re conversing…how is everyone? Hope things are going well for all of you. What are the latest cute and funny antics from Augi? Is that how you spell it? And concerning the cane, I liked the putter he was using. It was kind of cool and everyone always commented on it, but he said it was starting to bow and become unsafe. Oh well, good idea while it lasted. 🙂 Give our love to Nora and the kids.


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