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August was the month we said good-bye to Joshua last year and we did our best this year to focus on the reality of his life going on through what he left behind in his works but especially in the lives of those he touched with our Faith In Action Project.

I’m sure we all share the hope that his suffering and eventual death will not have been in vain…hence, the Joshua Casteel Foundation. But I especially need to remind myself often that his real legacy lies in who he was as a person and how that impacted everything he did and everyone whose lives he touched. This truth gives me the strength and courage to continue on while carrying within me the ongoing pain of my indescribable loss.

So, today being the one year anniversary of his memorial, I wanted to honor him in a very personal way that very simply states the character and person who was my son.  Below is a picture of a large wall hanging that I bought only a week ago.  When I saw and read it I immediately thought of Joshua as I believe it perfectly describes who he was.  It will hang in the foundation office where it will not only remind me of him but remind me to strive myself to be what it describes.

I hope you enjoy seeing it as well and that it brings fond memories to mind for you today of your relationship and interactions with Joshua and that it also inspires you to be more of the person God made you to be.

And, God’s blessings on us all and our world this weekend , as we respond to Pope Francis’ call to a day of prayer (yesterday Sept.7th) for peace in our world and no more war, especially in the wake of the horrors taking place in Syria and the Middle East. And for those of us who profess a real faith in God, may we take seriously Jesus’ words to “not return evil for evil” and to “bless those who persecute you”, to “love our enemies”.  How fitting that it came on the same weekend as the  anniversary of Joshua’s memorial. This, in and of itself, honors him and what he stood for in the best possible way. May we all carry this ongoing prayer in our hearts and in our actions.

God’s peace to you all,

Kristi and the Joshua Casteel Foundation

Armistice Day…Joshua's Witness Continues On
Faith in Action: Life and Love Go On

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